Monday, September 13, 2010

Is Homeschooling the best choice for my children?

If you have children then you have or at some point will think of their education. I decided to homeschool my three children this year. So far, we are all doing great. I love the flexibility homeschooling provides. Homeschooling gives my family many opportunities. For example, we can sleep late, have school outside, or take endless field trips. I like having the shared control over what my children learn and when they learn it. If one of my children wakes up and decides they want to do math first instead of phonics then we can switch and there will not be a fuss about not following a schedule. I understand that homeschooling provides less of a chance for social interaction but there are different “play groups” they can join in. Every Tuesday, Barnes and Nobles offer story time and yoga for children. This is an excellent time for my three children to interact with other children. This also gives me some adult championship as well. Overall, I am proud of my decision to homeschool this year. I do not know what next year holds and we’ll cross that bridge when we get there but until then, I’m enjoying my life!

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